

The pilot programme launched earlier this year in June 2022, ALKE in partnership with Hatch Maker Studio curated an interactive course that brought together 6 amateurs into a creative space that fostered the creative process with a mindful and emotionally active approach. Sarah Nazoor, founder of ALKE and KICKASS alum designed the program to deliver a conscious crafter. She focused on bridging the gap between creativity, emotion and craft by helping communities decipher emotions and goals through crafting artisanal jewellery. Florian Manderscheid, Maker at Hatch Maker-Studio guided participants through the technical aspects of their creative process, from overall safety training to helping participants not only understand how to use the tools but also how to refine and design using the resources available. Using the creative medium of craft, the guided program transformed a group of amateur enthusiasts into a conscious community through art therapy. 

“It was refreshing to see how people opened up their minds and interacted with new materials, tools and emotions. The program was not only focused on skill-building, but we also focused on sharing emotions, and knowledge and I believe that we were able to create a space where we brought together a diverse group of people and make them work together and build trust. It is really important if we are to build emotionally resilient communities, people need an outlet and they need to be accepted for who they are.” -Sarah Nazoor-


The six participants were taken through a 5-week immersive training session covering the programming and technical aspects of working with tools, design, value proposition, and prototyping with metals, woods, ceramics and other recyclable materials.

Innovative design training challenged the six to reimagine designs from the initial workshop by using newer materials while working with metal, incorporating beads and sequins to incorporate elements of ceramic and woodwork into their design concepts.


“I enjoyed participating in the Wearing Emotions programme and learning new tools and working with new materials with so many amazing makers in a series of workshops put together by superwoman Sara. The Hatch Maker Studio was also the perfect space for this; big shout out to Flo for his patience and guidance. Looking forward to continuing my journey in jewellery making (and managing my emotions more constructively) thanks to the confidence and insight gained!” – Shanika Perera (participant)

The cohort took to stage at the graduate showcase, guiding the audience from concept to product explaining the semblance of their stories and inspiration through the production of bespoke accessories that highlighted the craftsmanship through the variety of design processes.

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